Equal Opportunities
JJF Limited promotes equality of opportunity in respect of every aspect of its provision. JJF Limited policy and practice will seek to provide an environment that is free from discrimination. JJF Limited will seek to prevent any form of unlawful and unfair discrimination and will be concerned with the prevention of direct and indirect, associative and perceptive discrimination.
JJF Limited is committed to fairness in its practices and will take positive and immediate action to meet these commitments. Our aim is to:
•Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation, and any other conduct that is covered by the equality legislation.
•Communicate to all staff, sub contract labour and any other relevant parties the promotion of equal opportunities and JJF limited procedures to sustain it.
•Deal with breeches of policies and procedures in accordance with JJF policy.
JJF Limited has responsibility for ensuring that the company’s policies and procedures are being effectively implemented and JJF Limited Directors are responsible for the implementation of this statement.
This statement will be reviewed regularly.